October 16, 2011

The Paleo Diet

I know that my blog isn't about dieting but I have to make this diet an exception. Besides, it's not really any type of extreme diet. You don't have to skip any meals or have to follow one of those TV diet food meals. It's super easy.

My parents and I have been on this diet for about three months now and it's called "The Paleo Diet." Now, I've never been much of a diet person because since I swim, I usually eat everything. Pasta, salad, dumplings, chicken tandoori, you name it. But this diet requires you to eat mostly vegetables and meat, and less on the starch like pasta and potatoes. I'm not saying that you shouldn't eat starch at all, just less. The first few weeks of this diet, I was a bit annoyed because we used to have rice every night (it's an Asian thing) and now, there's no rice to be served anymore. I was not used to feeling so light and not full after dinner. I would ask my mom why we're on this diet, and she would just say, "It's good for you!!"

However as the weeks past and I continued swimming every day after school, I could actually feel myself getting stronger within each practice and less tired. I could actually be seen at swimming bouncing off the walls, filled with complete energy. I didn't know what was happening but I had to conclude that it must be the diet. The amount of protein in the vegetables and meat that I eat account for the amount of energy I have and it also helps when I'm working really hard in practice. The past 2 months of swimming, I've been dropping my swim times and have been getting personal best times. It's amazing how much the way you eat, in addition to a bunch of little things, can affect your physical abilities and confidence.

So I guess the moral of the story here is to try something new, but don't go to the extreme. If it works for you, GREAT! Keep going with it. If not, no one's making you. It's up to you to finding out what's best. It's just a simple process of trial and error into finding out what fits you.

For more information, please visit: http://thepaleodiet.com/ or check out this book!

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