
Inspired to Inspire
Thanks to the inspiration of Mrs. Obama's anti-obesity initiative, this blog offers me the chance to share with others about my ventures into the world of healthy eating through my experience of gardening herbs.  Starting out with a very basic knowledge of gardening and cooking, I'm improving day by day and I believe that I've just started a lifelong hobby, thanks to the supportive help of Mrs. Cartwright and my mom.  

I'm inspired to inspire others to eating healthy in a new, profound way.  Healthy eating and shouldn't be a chore or a burden for anyone; it is a new adventure that everyone should fulfill in their own way through their own creativity.  It's the perfect opportunity to try new things, to build relationships and family ties.  It's simply a way of life.  

Laura G. Chan
Laura G. Chan is currently 17-years-old and is a senior at Lake Forest High School.  Laura has been a part of Girl Scouts for about nine years, including Girl Scouts of USA and Girl Scouts Overseas (England).  She has started as a young Brownie and is now a Girl Scout Ambassador.  Through her years of Girl Scouting, Laura has valued old and new friendships, integrity, and strong leadership.  Girl Scouts has become a very important part of her life, and will continue to be.  Laura also enjoys swimming, water polo, playing piano, reading, and ultimate frisbee.

The Blog
Bon appétit sain! (Good Healthy Appetite!) was obviously modified from the well-known saying, "Bon appétit!"  So, why not add a little healthy in that?  Adjusting a familiar phrase into creating a new message makes sense for most people.  

Originally, this blog was supposed to be a website for my service project.  However, I felt that websites are more for organizations and my service project is definitely not one of those.  I felt that a blog would help me get in touch with my experiences by journaling posts for the audience to enjoy reading or to be inspired.  I've also touched my creative side through writing and journaling on this blog, since English is my favorite subject in high school.  Besides, it definitely doesn't hurt to prepare myself for the upcoming English curriculum of junior year.   

I've tried to make the blog's layout as simple as possible.  In the beginning, I must have spent at least two hours trying to figure out the designs for my layout.  "Should I have my Followers gadget over on the right?  No, I think it looks better on the left..  just kidding the right.... errr...."  Due to my anal retention and lack of decision-making, I just decided to go with the plain and simple.  The focus of the blog is my posts after all.  Who cares if I have a background picture of a billion types of herbs? Besides, mommy always said, "Less is more!"  

Green is definitely the color I had to use for my template.  To me, it signifies organicism, nature, and simplicity.  Isn't "being green" the newest trend these days anyways?  

- "Inspiration" Photo: Longboat Key, Florida - Olivia Rozdolsky (a.k.a. Livers)
- Professional Portrait Photography: Studio Lighting - Olivia Rozdolsky (a.k.a. Livers)