May: The April snow slowly melted as May came under way. This was when the hard work began. Thankfully, I had the help from my mum (the English version of "mom"; she likes to be called that). At first, the two beds were covered in weeds, the biggest nuisance being quack grass. After weeding both beds, we had to break down the soil. Next we placed at least five wheelbarrows of compost onto the soil, enriching the soil with nutrients for plant growth. About a day later, we came back and broke down the soil some more and then placed mulch onto the beds. Mulch controls weed growth and maintains soil health. This process was definitely the most hardest, physically. As you can tell, I was gaining some strong arm muscles from scooping the compost onto the soil.

The two beds! Number 1 has compost already laid down, Number 2 patiently waiting for it's turn to be enriched. (please pardon my photography skills, even though this makes a nice motion photo)
Happily weeding some quack grass.
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